egg partner spotlight - Karly at A Wee Taste

egg partner spotlight - Karly at A Wee Taste

a year agoPosted in Egg Partners

We asked you what you'd love to see from team egg across our written content, and you said snappy interviews with egg business owners - what a great idea! So here goes. Our first one is with Karly Zagorac, owner and founder of A Wee Taste, a wine and grazing board bar in Edinburgh where Kirsten, our comms & event manager at egg, went last week for her book club.

Karly a wee taste

Q: Tell us a bit about what you do...

A: We create stunning, hand curated savoury and sweet grazing platters and sides that emanate that WOW factor. Our food products are as locally sourced as possible as we work with some amazing, independent Scottish businesses.

Q: How did you make the jump from 9-5 to business owner?

A: As a high school teacher struggling to secure a permanent position in my subject, I decided to embark on something a wee bit different. In 2019, I set up A Wee Taste of Edinburgh, a food and drink tour company, taking tourists off the beaten track to experience a local foodie perspective of the city. Whilst juggling high school teaching and conducting my tours, it was apparent that I had tapped into something I truly loved. The success and positive feedback of the tours allowed me to explore the option of developing further routes in the city but due to Covid, I had to postpone those plans and go back to teaching full time. However, fast forward to 2022 and A Wee Taste was born! I left teaching and I had a permanent space for everyone to experience our beautiful platters and sides! I can’t believe that it’s been nearly two years already!

A wee taste

Q: What makes you get out of bed in the morning?

A: I absolutely love what I do; entertaining whilst creating stunning food platters for everyone to experience and enjoy. There’s no better feeling than getting that instant affirmation and positive feedback from your customers. It definitely makes all those long days worth it!

Q: What's your one business motto or piece of advice to eggs?

A: There is so much to owning a business, especially in a sector I have never truly worked in before. No one gives you a rule book on how to run a business so I guess I would say, don’t be too hard on yourself in the beginning because a lot of what you will do is purely trial and error and some of it won’t work. Try and see the good in what you’re doing, don’t focus too much on the negatives and essentially have faith in what you’re doing too because if you don’t believe in your concept then no one will. Let that passion shine bright!

And don't forget that A Wee Taste have 10% off for egg members!

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