Frequently asked questions

Questions we often get asked, hopefully these answers save you some time!

Egg membership

Egg membership is a digital subscription that unlocks hundreds of brilliant discounts across Edinburgh and beyond.

Membership also includes discounted entry to Egg events.

Accessing Egg discounts involves just 2 simple steps. First, sign up for an account by entering your email, password, and name. Then enter your card details to begin your Egg subscription.

Yes, Egg membership is a subscription service that renews automatically so you don't have to worry about missed payments. You can set up your subscription monthly (£3), or, yearly (£30).

Listing a business on egg

If you’d like to join our egg directory, you can email us at [email protected] or contact us via our website. We will review each request and get in touch directly to get you all set up.

Egg partner benefits include one-off social media campaigns, newsletter mention, events, market research, and featured directory listing and more. To find out more about the different egg partnerships visit our List your business page.

Login help

Please try the reset password link to gain access to your account.

Once You have reset your password please try and log in again. It should now say you are a paying member.

If it is still saying you are a "free member" after you have reset your password please email us at [email protected] with the email address you used to create your account and full name and we will look into this for you.

If you have tried logging in through Facebook and it isn't letting you log in please try and log in to your egg account using the email address and password you used when you signed up for an egg membership.

If you are still struggling to log in to your account please email us at [email protected] so that we can help you log in.

Please make sure that you are trying to log in with the correct email address, it will be the email address that you receive your egg receipt to. Please note that the 'egg card' as it once was does not exist anymore, now it’ll state within “Your account” that “You're an egg member!” and you will be able to redeem discounts by pressing “Get this discount” on any listing with an offer and you’ll receive a certificate to show to our partner businesses. 

Please visit our website and use the forgotten password route, using the email address that you receive emails from egg. Once logged in, from the homepage, you can find your membership under the “your account” section of the website.

Simply login to our website, head to “Your Account” in the top right corner. Here you will see your digital membership and a button that says  ‘Manage payment details’. Tap this and you will be sent a link to your email to change your bank details.

Once we receive your email requesting a membership cancellation and or refund, our standard processing time is 7 working days. Rest assured that as soon as we have successfully processed your cancellation/refund, you will receive an email confirmation.

Please keep in mind that the actual refund timing may vary depending on your payment method and financial institution. If you have specific concerns or inquiries regarding your refund, please contact us at [email protected]

egg membership

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