Gift an egg membership

A perfect gift for any occasion, especially this Christmas!

Treat that special foodie, shopper, fashionista, explorer, socialite in your life to special discounts and events from amazing businesses across Scotland.

The egg membership is a gift that keeps on giving across the year:

  • up to 30% off over hundreds of Scottish businesses
  • access to exclusive events and promotions
  • discounted tickets to Egg events
  • free cancellation after the gift expires

A one-year Egg membership at £30 will unlock 100s of exclusive rates and treats from local restaurants, beauty studios, independent fashion labels, luxury hotels and more…

Please note that the gift recipient will receive their Egg membership upon completion of the registration.

Treat someone to 1 year's Egg membership

Pay for a friend or family member to get their first year free when they subscribe to Egg.

Access exclusive discounts with our egg partners.

Mimi's Bakehouse
Marine North Berwick
Harvey Nichols
Waldorf Astoria
Scotch Whisky Experience
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