Our productivity packed egg & co-working day

Our productivity packed egg & co-working day

10 months agoPosted in Egg Updates

In a vibrant blend of collaboration, productivity and laughter echoing through the hallway, our egg & co working day became the crescendo of empowerment of women navigating the crossroads of work and parenting.

Supported by the brilliant team at Tinies Edinburgh and Glasgow who kept our mini eggs entertained all day, our dream to offer childcare came true! Mums got the rare opportunity to get sh*t done, while making new work friends and escape all the distractions of home.


Lunchtime featured the “Borrow my Brain Session”, where business challenges were openly discussed, tapping into the collective wisdom for valuable insights.

Fuelling the day’s energy, Canteen provided us with a healthy, nutritious and flavourful lunch delivered straight to egg & co – always our go-to!


Our mini-egg co working day was more than a co working event; it showcased the strength of the community, collective support and our commitment to nurturing women’s personal and professional growth.

Stay tuned for future mini eggs & co-working days and events that continue to foster a space where women flourish, grow and connect.

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