Spotlight on… Clinical Psychologist & Author Dr Laura Williams

Spotlight on… Clinical Psychologist & Author Dr Laura Williams

2 months agoPosted in Egg Partners

With five kids and two jobs, Dr Laura Williams is one busy lady. A clinical psychologist, author, widow, and mum to a blended family, she’s based just outside Edinburgh in West Lothian.

In this candid chat with egg, Laura opens up about self-belief, embracing your true self, navigating life’s toughest moments and the art of staying grounded. Plus, we get the inside scoop on her latest book, What to Do When You Feel Broken, a heartfelt and practical guide to overcoming life’s biggest challenges…

Was it written in the stars that you’d have your own business one day?

Even as a child, I wanted to make my own luck. However, it was life events - specifically the sudden death of my husband in 2018 - that ultimately pushed me towards building a business and working for myself. I wanted the flexibility to be there for my children. In business, I’ve found that self-belief is key; good things happen when you back yourself, and luck has very little to do with it. Today, I have a thriving private practice (an egg listed business!) and I am about to publish my first traditionally published book, 'What to Do When You Feel Broken', with Hay House.

How would your teachers have described you?

My teachers would have said I was hard-working and conscientious. In my book, I share how this set me up for a lifetime of internalised expectations and perfectionism. I was praised for my work ethic and abilities, which pushed me to seek more validation through achievement - something I’m sure many eggs will be able to relate with. While this drive has served me well, I sometimes have a hard time just 'being' as opposed to 'doing' all the time. But of course, this also has its benefits.

dr laura williams, edinburgh

When did you realise you wanted to be a clinical psychologist?

It’s hard to pinpoint an exact moment, but people have always fascinated me. I was especially interested in extreme criminal behaviour and would often find myself watching true crime and serial killer documentaries. I wanted to understand human behaviour, and clinical psychology felt like the perfect fit. My first job after university was in the Scottish Prison Service at Saughton or HMP Edinburgh, before transitioning to the NHS.

What do you love most about your job?

The absolute best thing about my job are the moments in therapy when the penny finally drops for someone about their lives and how they have been impacted by their past experiences. It never fails to give me goosebumps and I know that from this place, people can begin to live more freely with the new perspectives they have gained. Watching people, especially women, let go of self-blame and begin to live more freely is an absolute privilege.

What were the first couple of years of business like? Any key learnings?

I love this question! My biggest advice? Make mistakes and make them fast. Holding yourself back only delays progress and increases anxiety. I started by sharing my own journey and grief through blogs and social media posts. I think people were able to relate to what I was going through. As Oscar Wilde said, 'Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.’

Who do you go to for advice?

My partner is my go-to sounding board. He balances my impulsive nature with a sensible perspective. We both experienced the loss of a spouse and have supported each other through grief and new love. As for inspiration, my children are my biggest source. Their resilience and perseverance constantly take my breath away.

Your personal brand - how important is it and what advice would you give to others?

I made an early decision to make my brand personal. People buy from people they relate to and my values didn't align with a faceless psychology clinic. I wanted people to see themselves in me and sharing openly of myself is something I will always do. I think it helps people feel less alone. At first, I was terrified - I would post selfies, write captions and then delete - but now it feels natural. Not everyone will like you, and that's okay. But you'll never find ‘your people’ unless you put yourself out there.

How do you achieve work-life balance?

Honestly, I think work-life balance is a myth! With five kids, two jobs, podcasting, book promotion, and an online presence, I am always juggling. When one area is thriving, another is likely struggling, and that’s okay. I’ve learned to offer myself compassion. To switch off, I take time my myself outdoors and usually for to the water. Whether that be walking beside it with my labrador, swimming or surfing, I find it helps regulate my emotions in a way that nothing else does.

dr laura williams book

Tell us about your book - who is it for and what can readers expect?

What to Do When You Feel Broken is a manual for how to help yourself overcome the challenges in life in a psychologically informed way. I share parts of my own journey; I talk about loss and use my own familial relationships as a vehicle to teach the key theory and concepts that I think people need to know. Each chapter has an experiential exercise at the end to help readers take action. It covers topics like intergenerational trauma and explores where traditional therapy approaches, like CBT (cognitive-behavioural therapy), doesn't always meet the brief. The book also outlines how trauma is not just the 'big things' and can exist in loving and supportive families too. I was thrilled when Mel Robbins endorsed it -a huge moment for me!

What advice would you give to someone experiencing grief?

Allow them to talk when they are ready and simply listen. People aren't always looking for a solution or for you to 'fix it'. Often, they just want an empathic friend to hear of their struggle and sit with them in it. Having your grief (or trauma) witnessed is incredibly important - I think it's why I wrote so much at the beginning. What I didn't have an outlet for, I would write about. That's another tool I use with clients often. Processing emotions through writing can be incredibly healing.

Favourite podcast or book?

One of my favourite books is The Gift of Therapy by Irvin Yalom. It helped me realise I wanted to be a therapist, not just a clinician. I also regularly listen to The Mel Robbins Podcast (of course!) and Goal Digger by Jenna Kutcher for business related chat.

How do you like to spend your time when you're not working?

I love to read. This year, I am also hoping to take my kids to California. Travel and broadening our horizons is so important, even if it can be chaotic with five children in tow. I might even get the chance to visit Hay House HQ to thank them in person for publishing my book.

What’s next for you?

Hopefully I’ll speak at an egg event in the near future. My Blue Mind sessions will start in the Spring. I also hope fellow eggs find me on socials and if you read my book, please let me know what you thought. It is available now on Amazon, Waterstones or wherever you get your books. There is also a self-narrated audiobook available.

Clinical psychologist Dr Laura Williams is an egg listed business offering egg members a FREE consult call to discuss your needs. Read more. found on Instagram @doctorlaurawilliams. Contact her at [email protected].

What to Do When You Feel is available for pre-order now on Amazon. It launches on 18th February.

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