Stockbridge Local’s Susannah Morgan on Finding, Fighting & Overcoming a Rare Tumour

Stockbridge Local’s Susannah Morgan on Finding, Fighting & Overcoming a Rare Tumour

21 days agoPosted in Other

Stockbridge Local founder Susannah Morgan (pictured below) spotted a lump under her ear at the end of 2022, but it was dismissed as a salivary stone.

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Just over a year later, she was referred to a specialist with an urgent suspected cancerous lump and was diagnosed with a Pleomorphic Adenoma - a rare and risky 4cm (size of a lime), tumour deeply rooted under her facial nerve, more at risk than most having had two spells of Bell’s Palsy when growing up, so was at increased risk.

Susannah fell upon minimum invasive surgery (ECD) by chance when researching the parotidectomy surgery she was booked for, and after her initial surgeon wasn’t able to perform on a tumour so large and deep, Susannah looked up the length of the UK to receive the less risky surgery, enabling her parotid (largest salivary gland) to be preserved.

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She became the first in the Scotland to undergo minimally invasive surgery for a deep lobe parotid tumour, performed by at NHS St John’s, Livingston, with support from retired Professor Mark McGurk, a leading expert in non-invasive salivary gland tumour removal who worked at UCLH, and travelled up from London to oversee the surgery. Professor McGurk created the hologram from her MRI slides.

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The surgery carried inherent risks, including the possibility of facial paralysis. However, thanks to meticulous planning using a hologram created from MRI slides, Susannah experienced only temporary facial paralysis, with her smile returning one month following surgery, ahead of expectations. As time progressed, the accompanying numbness is diminishing. For more information visit Medicalar.

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Susannah smiling, one month post surgery

Susannah received the relieving news that her tumour was benign. But 13,000 in the UK are diagnosed with Head & Neck cancer. In light of this, she is aiming to raise a significant amount for Oracle Head & Neck Cancer UK, a charity that Professor McGurk is a trustee of. Please click hereto donate on homepage. Susannah will keep everyone updated on progress on Stockbridge Local.

Susannah featured as the headline story on BBC Scotland News and was interviewed on BBC Radio Scotland, which can be heard here on her website.

Her key tips:

  • If you find a lump regardless of size or location, get it checked immediately
  • Ask questions
  • Seek 2nd opinions if necessary (£200/250 well spent, can be remote anywhere across the UK with specialists in relevant field), doesn’t mean you need to be treated privately

Susannah is happy to help anyone from a patient perspective going through a similar journey, her email is [email protected]

Susannah would also like thank all the eggs that were such a huge support during a stressful time.

Please take a minute to listen to Professor McGurk’s advice here especially around d 4.45

Hologram video

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