Women on Top: A morning of Inspiration, Connection, and Growth

Women on Top: A morning of Inspiration, Connection, and Growth

5 months agoPosted in Other

This morning, the elegant Hawksmoor in Edinburgh set the stage for our October Women on Top event, bringing together an incredible group of women ready to connect, share stories, and lift each other up.

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We kicked off the day with some delicious pastries from The Palmerston, setting a sweet tone for the inspiring morning ahead. It was the perfect start to a morning of conversations, insights, and camaraderie.

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Our wonderful guest speaker Julie Grieve, founder of Criton, captivated us all with her incredible journey. She shared her story of developing her app from scratch and eventually selling it after seven fulfilling years. Julie’s story was not only insightful but packed with lessons that resonated with everyone there.

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One of the many highlights of her talk was her advice on stepping beyond our comfort zones. "The magic truly happens outside your comfort zone," she reminded us, underscoring the value of staying open-minded and embracing continuous learning. She also highlighted the importance of genuinely connecting with customers, encouraging us to view things from their perspective to build lasting success.

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Julie also shared exciting news about her latest venture—she has just set up her own Vistage group aimed at supporting growth leaders. This initiative promises to be another brilliant platform where leaders can thrive and find the guidance they need.

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The event was a wonderful mix of inspiring stories, inspiring stories, joyful exchanges, and the beginning of new friendships within the egg community. Not only did we leave with new insights and connections, but with the warmth and encouragement that comes from being part of a community committed to helping each other succeed.

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Julie wrapped up her talk with a delightful reminder that celebrating each success, big or small—preferably with a glass of bubbles in hand, is important!

A big thank you must go to our sponsors FreeAgent, who sponsored this event. FreeAgent are an award-winning online accounting software designed specifically for UK small business owners and landlords. All egg members can enjoy a 30-day free trial, 50% off the first six months and 10% off for life!

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Missed out? Fear not as our November Women on Top is now LIVE! Go grab your tickets here.

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