egg's press success! Our feature in The Scotsman spotlights our mission to empower women

egg's press success! Our feature in The Scotsman spotlights our mission to empower women

9 months agoPosted in Egg Updates

We have hit it big time in the press! Our feature in The Scotsman included some fantastic highlights about our journey, mission to empower women in business and Women on Top.

Here are a few quotes from the article, written by Emma Newlands.

"Egg is now Scotland’s largest platform connecting, supporting, and celebrating women, linking more than 100,000 via its social platforms and channels alone.

egg's feature in the Scotsman: ready to crack uk growth

The first in the Women on Top series ... saw a 150-strong audience of women 'and some men' hear from pioneering businesswomen including Grace Andrews, marketing director for Steven Bartlett and the Diary of a CEO podcast, and Sonja Mitchell, MD of Jump Ship Brewing.

Part of our ethos is to make sure that everyone is seen and spoken to, and no one leaves not having felt some connection, she says"

egg women on top Edinburgh with Grace Andrews and Sonja Mitchell

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